
St. Michael & All Angels Chapbook

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St. Michael & All Angels Chapbook


There are countless approaches to working with angels, however this chapbook is dedicated to an often overlooked one, focusing not on a select angel, or group thereof, but with the wide yet effective net of invoking and working with All Angels as a category through primarily, but not limited to, the intercession of Archangel Michael and the simple recitation of prayer.

This approach could potentially encompass an entire personal practice and the author has found it very effective for enhancing spirit contact, active imagination, journeying, and dream recall- the Angelic Mind, as Trithemius would coin it.

Alternatively, much of the contents herein could stand as a passive daily primer for more specific angelic work, making it far easier to contact any “lesser” angel with minimal preparation and planning whenever the need may arise.

To allow space for experimentation there have also been included several prayers addressing specific angels which come to us through different magical currents and at different times, including the necromantic elevation featured here: https://marissagamberutti.substack.com/p/raphaels-tears , as well as an off-book narrative-based method of coming into relation with a specific angel of one’s choosing.

However one chooses to employ this chapbook, the hope is that it simply gets used. The benefits which come along with even just a few short angelic recitations at the start of each day can be life changing and have rippling effects in one’s life beyond an imaginable scope. Cunning and fortune providing, this chapbook will help to elucidate just how little the how of angelical practice might actually matter, providing one is approaching these relationships earnestly and with forthrightness.

The way to use this book is by following what moves you. Finding a prayer that feels good to say and giving it a few weeks or a month of daily performance while peppering in others as inspiration guides is not only valid, it is an advanced method of listening to one’s intuition and spirits.

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Angelic prayers and workings both classically sourced and original.

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