Novena to the Nicomedian Martyrs for Saints Cyprian, Justina, & Theoctistus
A nine day novena to Saints Cyprian, Justina, & Theoctistus for connection, total protection, and reversal of malefic influences.
Contains several previously unreleased original prayers by the author including a daily supplication to the Sorcerer Saint.
This novena has been heavily reworked from an English translation of a Spanish botanica pamphlet to improve the general feeling, flow, and readability. The correct angelic conjurations for the days have been added using a source which is well steeped in Cypriania, replacing the originals which were from a random assortment of grimoiric textual sources with no coherent or apparent logic involved in their addition.
A perfect working for the feast days, or any time.
A nine day novena to Saints Cyprian, Justina, & Theoctistus for connection, total protection, and reversal of malefic influences.